4 Best Flooring Options for Garages, Sheds, and Outbuildings

flooring for garage

For ages we’ve extensively made use of barns to store all the essentials for farming and cattle; however, as times have changed, we’ve seen the rise of newer outbuildings like garages to park cars and sheds to have one's own little space.

The needs may not be the same anymore, but outbuildings still serve the same purpose of linking the exterior with the interior space of the home. And there’s no better way to link these spaces than through good flooring.

In this article, we’re going to look at 4 of the best flooring options for garages, sheds, and outbuildings. 

3 Important Considerations for Flooring Your Garage or Shed

• Changes in Temperature

Outbuildings are subject to a lot of variation in temperature change. This is even more extreme if your outbuilding is a garage that is connected to your house because it experiences changes in temperature from both ends–indoors and outdoors. A good flooring for outbuildings is designed to withstand these changes.

• Durability

Besides temperature changes, the flooring will also be tested in terms of its durability. Let’s take the example of the garage again. If your house has a garage with a car parked in it, it is already supporting a lot of weight. When the car enters and exits the garage, the flooring will be tested to withstand rolling weight as well.

• The Actual Use

It all boils down to this question—what are you going to use your outbuilding for? If it is designed as a recreation area, you can choose a more fashionable flooring. If you’re using it as a workstation, comfortable flooring would be more important. Assess your needs and then lay down the foundation.

4 Best Outbuilding Flooring Options

1.    Polished Concrete

For the longest time, polished concrete has been considered the best flooring for most outbuildings, and that’s all thanks to its capacity to support heavy loads of weight for extended lengths of time. This makes it perfect for garages that often have to hold the weight of cars for hours on end. 


Its durability also extends against sudden impacts, which makes chipping and dents almost virtually unheard of. So if you’re using your outbuilding for woodworking, whether that’s a garage or a shed, you never have to worry about dropping any of your hand tools.

As perfect as it may be for activities like woodworking, polished concrete is a hard material, which makes it uncomfortable to spend a lot of time standing on. It also gets cold, so if you’re wanting to build a cozy shed for the winters, this may not be the right flooring option for you. 


2.    Epoxy Coating

epoxy flooring

Yes, we’re cheating a bit here because epoxy is not a flooring material. However, there aren’t enough good things that can be said about it. Epoxy is a type of coating that is formed after undergoing a chemical reaction between several layers of resins with a catalyst. 

Epoxy coating helps give more strength and protection to the flooring against the elements. Since it is not a flooring material, it is fairly inexpensive as well; that is one of the reasons why it’s common practice to use a combination of concrete flooring and epoxy coating in garages. 

The great thing about this coating is that it can be applied to other materials as well. We see lots of outbuildings making use of natural stone flooring with a layer of epoxy coating and it works great. The key is to use a type of natural stone flooring like slate, that is not naturally porous and then apply the coating. 


3.    Luxury Vinyl Tile

flooring for shed

No matter which list we compile, a variant of luxury vinyl flooring somehow always makes the cut, and that’s all because it is the most versatile flooring option available in the market. We say variant because luxury vinyl flooring comes in two styles—luxury vinyl plank and luxury vinyl tile. 

They’re made from the same materials but are cut and styled to look more like other types of flooring. Luxury vinyl tile, in particular, is used more in kitchens, bathrooms, and tile-styled living rooms, but it is great for sheds and most types of outbuildings as well. 

Homeowners also love this flooring material because it is one of the more affordable flooring options out there. It must be said, however, that this is not a good flooring option for garages with a parked car since it cannot support its weight without denting. 


4.    Rubber Tile Flooring


Most of the time when flooring materials are being discussed, one of the deciding factors for people is how it looks. There’s no problem with that, in fact, it is essential you do that; however, this factor should have more weight only when we’re talking about the main house, not the outbuilding.

Outbuildings usually require a more utilitarian approach since it is going to face a lot of situations that the normal house doesn’t. Rubber tile flooring is just perfect for that since it is resistant to pretty much everything from mold to tire marks. You will see this flooring being used a lot in gyms since it can withstand moisture and doesn’t break with sudden impacts.

The biggest selling point of this flooring material is that, unlike concrete flooring, rubber tile flooring provides one of the most comfortable underfoot. So, if you’re planning on spending a lot of time in the garage, your knees will thank you for using this flooring. 

If you are using your garage to park your car, it is important to note that there is a special type of rubber material designed just for that. You can find it in stores often named virgin rubber or vulcanized rubber flooring. 


Whether you’re looking to create the most picture-perfect she shed for your backyard or just a functional garage to store your tools, selecting the right flooring material is an important first step. You can use this article as a guide to explore all possible flooring options and see what works best for you.

To recap, in this article, we’ve discussed 4 of the best flooring options for outbuildings like sheds and garages -

  1. Polished Concrete Flooring

  2. Epoxy Coating

  3. Luxury Vinyl Tile

  4. Rubber Tile Flooring

Want to know more about a particular flooring material? Floors2day is here to help!

Reach out to us at Floors2Day by giving us a call at 877-356-6759 or booking an appointment online using this link. (If you book online, you say $150!)  We offer our flooring services in Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C., Virginia, Wisconsin, and Illinois! 

Here at Floors2Day, we provide the best quality flooring products, coupled with excellent customer service, and quick and easy installation.

 With over 20 years of experience in flooring, we have seen it all. Every client is unique, and our services are always custom to your needs! We also proudly offer 12-month 0% interest and 90-days deferred financing, learn more here! So, sit back and relax as our team provides you with an amazing, worry-free renovation experience.

To learn more about the flooring options we offer, click here.


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